The application will dislay a some catalogs, and each catalog has title image, description.
import React from 'react';import AppStore from '../stores/app-store';import CatalogItem from './app-catalogitem';function getCatalog(){ return { items: AppStore.getCatalog() }}class Catalog extends React.Component { constructor(){ super(); this.state = getCatalog() } render(){ let items = item => { return}); return ( { items }) }}export default Catalog;
Each Catalog render CatalogItem:
import React from 'react';import AppActions from '../actions/app-actions';import CartButton from './app-cart-button';export default (props) => { return ()}{ props.item.title }
{ props.item.summary }
${ props.item.cost }
CartButton handle the click event whcih passed in:
import React from 'react';export default (props) => { return ( )}